About Us

Founded in 2002 by a unique team of professionals, Nancy Kelbaugh & Jennifer Quinn, All-Pro Placement Svc, Inc.
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Our staffing service matches qualified candidates with quality employers.
Gain immediate access to a pool of talented & qualified individuals who have been pre-screened, skills assessed and credentials verified. All-Pro virtually takes over the entire hiring process: recruiting, selection, screening, matching and background checks.All-Pro also holds numerous certifications to be able to fulfill any of your supplier diversity initiatives.
Our certifications include: GSA Schedule Holder, Women Owned, Small Business, MBE/MDOT, LDBE, ACDBE with over 12 years of experience. It is our goal is to highlight candidate strengths so employers can make the right hiring decisions – the first time.Here at All-Pro we handle all aspects of the payroll and take full responsbility for each of our employees working for you. Our track record has proven successful with the majority of our placements extending to long-term or permanent positions.
Jennifer Quinn, President